So it seems that the sudden demise of my ancient computer is just a tip of the communications-nightmare iceberg here (those Titanic images just won't go away, will they?) Thanks to everyone who left comments here about my email issues: I checked my website yesterday and realised that it was down too. Apparently it's something to do with the server, so now I've let them know it should be sorted soon, (yeah, right!) but big apologies to anyone who emailed and hasn't had a response. For once it's not just because I'm a lazy old slacker!
Of course, the other reason for my lack of communication is that, in the aftermath of finishing the book I think I've just run out of words. My head is filled with echoing empty spaces where sentences should be. I'm guiltily aware that the deadline panic meant I didn't properly celebrate the release of Alejandro's book (
At the Argentinean Billionaire's Bidding) with the usual contest and giveaways and background information and stuff. Is it all too late now? If there's anything anyone wants to know more about please shout up. In the meantime (and since I'm now actually boring myself with my extreme lack of anything worthwhile to say) let's just quietly contemplate Alejandro's gorgeousness, shall we...? (via the medium of his real life body double, Argentine polo ace Nacho Figueras)
Hmmm. That was nice. Think I might go and research my next hero now. He's South American. And Royal. And very naughty. Am sure I can just about rouse myself for that kind of challenge...