Tuesday 16 October 2007

Label babe

I’m generally not a label kind of a girl, really. I don’t really know D&G from B&Q to be perfectly honest, but, in a blogger sense at least, I am now going to attempt to embrace the label.

The turning point came on a recent glance at my site referrals, when I discovered that someone had arrived here via a search for James D’Arcy’s hands. I reckon if that’s what you’re looking for, you deserve to have your labours richly rewarded, and the fruits of them easily displayed for instant enjoyment. Thus, I bring you more James D’Arcy, and his hands—this time clearly labelled.

Share the love.


Jen said...

Ooh, I'm impressed that you even tied him up for us ;0) Or perhaps it's just my fevered imagination...

Unknown said...

Ah, now just wait a minute there Jen. I tied him up for ME, OK? When I said I was sharing the love it was very much in a 'look but don't touch' kind of a way....